Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Amazon推Kindle for the Web Beta 網上即看書

閒話少說,有畫面才有話題,以下便是Kindle for the Web Beta的示範,書中內容正是早前最新出版Tony Blair的 A Journey: My Political Life

A Journey: My Political Life是本頗有趣的書。說它有趣,因為它呈現了Tony Blair近乎木獨的性格(至少在某些事情上確是如此),與政治家長袖善舞的形象大相逕庭。他又談到,對美國的「傾愛之情」和對政治的很多看法。把它拿到香港的環境下,自英國人離開後的變化,再讀A Journey: My Political Life,令人有不少思考空間。

當然,A Journey: My Political Life 已經推出了Kindle版,可以在最新的Kindle上隨時隨地閱讀。



  1. Reading on web is great ;

    but why was I always prompted that those very popular magazines and books (even Dan Brown) were not available to Asian regions?

    WOuld anyone tell me how to buy Times, FOrtune etc.?

  2. There's indeed some restrictions (while I'm not totally agree with what the publishers did) and I'm sure you could find some workarounds on the that make the system thinks you're in the unrestricted region....(while again I need to advise anybody wanna try is 'at your own risk'...)
